After Dark

The Immersive Rock Experience

After Dark returns to Illuminarium! Join us for a unique nightlife experience located in District 1 of Area 15. The beauty of Illuminarium’s daytime experience transforms into an 18+ immersive nightlife escape. Guests can enjoy a full bar and late-night bites all while viewing our stunning 360 degree immersive attraction.

When you venture into After Dark, you’ll be able to:

  • Lounge
  • Listen to a live DJ
  • Grab a drink
  • Hang out with friends

Must be 18+ with valid government-issued photo ID.

For groups of 10+, contact for tickets.

Kitchen closes at 10 PM and the bar's final call is 30 minutes before closing. Hours are subject to change at management's discretion, including holidays and special events.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 800 546" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M703.822 102.143H635.69C626.487 102.143 619.023 94.6816 619.023 85.4766V17.32C619.023 8.11499 626.487 0.65332 635.69 0.65332H703.822C713.025 0.65332 720.488 8.11499 720.488 17.32V85.4766C720.488 94.6816 713.025 102.143 703.822 102.143ZM687.155 33.9867H652.357V68.81H687.155V33.9867ZM144.798 221.888C144.798 212.683 152.262 205.222 161.465 205.222H230V136.333H161.465C152.262 136.333 144.798 128.872 144.798 119.667C144.798 110.462 152.262 103 161.465 103H246.667C255.872 103 263.333 110.462 263.333 119.667V324.11C263.333 333.315 255.872 340.777 246.667 340.777H161.465C152.262 340.777 144.798 333.315 144.798 324.11C144.798 314.905 152.262 307.443 161.465 307.443H230V238.555H161.465C152.262 238.555 144.798 231.093 144.798 221.888ZM631.897 235.65C634.427 226.8 643.652 221.675 652.503 224.208C747.617 251.41 800 292.04 800 338.612C800 363.873 784.202 400.793 708.938 433.228C656.007 456.037 581.702 472.625 499.708 479.935C499.217 479.978 498.723 480 498.228 480C498.191 480 498.154 480 498.116 479.999C498.078 479.999 498.04 479.998 498.002 479.998L428.87 479.062C419.668 478.938 412.307 471.375 412.432 462.172C412.555 453.045 419.992 445.73 429.092 445.73L429.139 445.73L429.206 445.731C429.245 445.731 429.284 445.732 429.323 445.732L497.595 446.657C575.817 439.615 646.16 423.982 695.747 402.615C740.817 383.193 766.667 359.865 766.667 338.612C766.667 309.57 719.41 278.013 643.337 256.257C634.488 253.727 629.365 244.5 631.897 235.65ZM314.798 340.778H417.022C426.225 340.778 433.688 333.317 433.688 324.112V221.89C433.688 212.685 426.227 205.223 417.022 205.223H331.465V136.333H400C409.205 136.333 416.667 128.872 416.667 119.667C416.667 110.462 409.205 103 400 103H314.798C305.593 103 298.132 110.462 298.132 119.667V324.112C298.132 333.317 305.593 340.778 314.798 340.778ZM331.465 238.555H400.355V307.443H331.465V238.555ZM587.425 340.778H485.202C475.998 340.778 468.535 333.317 468.535 324.112V119.667C468.535 110.462 475.998 103 485.202 103H587.425C596.628 103 604.092 110.462 604.092 119.667V324.112C604.092 333.317 596.628 340.778 587.425 340.778ZM570.758 136.333H501.868V307.445H570.758V136.333ZM304.762 382.228C298.817 375.202 288.3 374.323 281.273 380.268C274.245 386.213 273.368 396.728 279.312 403.757L316.588 447.823C237.928 441.825 166.687 427.408 114.305 406.74C62.8467 386.433 33.3333 361.603 33.3333 338.612C33.3333 311.915 72.8933 283.145 139.155 261.652C147.912 258.812 152.707 249.412 149.867 240.655C147.028 231.9 137.625 227.105 128.872 229.943C90.3233 242.447 59.755 257.322 38.0133 274.153C12.79 293.687 0 315.372 0 338.612C0 377.118 35.2967 411.397 102.07 437.745C156.343 459.16 229.115 474.193 309.113 480.675L275.873 517.515C269.707 524.348 270.247 534.888 277.082 541.053C280.268 543.93 284.262 545.347 288.242 545.347C292.793 545.347 297.33 543.492 300.62 539.845L361.265 472.637C364.028 469.575 365.558 465.597 365.558 461.472V460.198C365.558 456.257 364.162 452.443 361.617 449.435L304.762 382.228Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>

360 Degree

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 640 512" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_17_4)"> <path d="M576 32H256C238.3 32 224 46.3 224 64V233.4L297.4 160C309.9 147.5 330.2 147.5 342.7 160L384 201.4L489.4 96C501.9 83.5 522.2 83.5 534.7 96L608 169.4V64C608 46.3 593.7 32 576 32ZM640 208C640 208 640 208 640 208.1V288.1C640 323.4 611.3 352.1 576 352.1H272H256C220.7 352.1 192 323.4 192 288.1V272V64C192 28.7 220.7 0 256 0H576C611.3 0 640 28.7 640 64V208ZM608 214.7L512 118.7L395.3 235.3L310.6 320H576C593.7 320 608 305.7 608 288V214.6V214.7ZM265.4 320L361.4 224L320 182.6L224 278.6V288C224 305.7 238.3 320 256 320H265.4ZM296 80C302.365 80 308.47 82.5286 312.971 87.0294C317.471 91.5303 320 97.6348 320 104C320 110.365 317.471 116.47 312.971 120.971C308.47 125.471 302.365 128 296 128C289.635 128 283.53 125.471 279.029 120.971C274.529 116.47 272 110.365 272 104C272 97.6348 274.529 91.5303 279.029 87.0294C283.53 82.5286 289.635 80 296 80ZM128 160H160V192H128V272V400V480H384V384H416V480H448C465.7 480 480 465.7 480 448V384H512V448C512 483.3 483.3 512 448 512H416H400H384H128H112H96H64C28.7 512 0 483.3 0 448V224C0 188.7 28.7 160 64 160H96H112H128ZM32 256H96V192H64C46.3 192 32 206.3 32 224V256ZM32 416V448C32 465.7 46.3 480 64 480H96V416H32ZM96 384V288H32V384H96Z" fill="currentColor"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_17_4"> <rect width="640" height="512" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

Photo Opportunities

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 512 512" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_161_2)"> <path d="M512 23C512 10.3 501.7 0 489 0C486.7 0 484.4 0.3 482.2 1L171.2 96.7C164.6 98.8 160 105 160 112V232V372.4C143 359.7 120.6 352 96 352C43 352 0 387.8 0 432C0 476.2 43 512 96 512C149 512 192 476.2 192 432V246.3L480 157.7V308.4C463 295.7 440.6 288 416 288C363 288 320 323.8 320 368C320 412.2 363 448 416 448C469 448 512 412.2 512 368V136.4C512 136.2 512 135.9 512 135.7V23ZM480 368C480 389.3 457.1 416 416 416C374.9 416 352 389.3 352 368C352 346.7 374.9 320 416 320C457.1 320 480 346.7 480 368ZM160 432C160 453.3 137.1 480 96 480C54.9 480 32 453.3 32 432C32 410.7 54.9 384 96 384C137.1 384 160 410.7 160 432ZM480 124.2L192 212.8V123.8L480 35.2V124.2Z" fill="currentColor"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_161_2"> <rect width="512" height="512" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

Live DJ

Sensory-Inclusive Showtimes

Looking for sensory-inclusive shows? Check out our inclusive showtimes below.

Hungry? Thirsty?

Lumin Cafe and Kitchen offers delicious Creative American cuisine served all day complemented by craft cocktails, sweet treats and delicious coffee. Visit Lumin before or after your experience, conveniently located at Illuminarium!

Looking for a Private party?

Looking for a Private party?

Contact us if you're interested in a full or partial buyout at Illuminarium Las Vegas.

Ticket packages

Ticket packages

General Admission

General Admission


Under The Radar


love on top


Black Excellence in music

Retro Pass

After Dark returns to Illuminarium! Join us for a unique nightlife experience located in District 1 of Area 15. The beauty of Illuminarium’s daytime experience transforms into an 18+ immersive nightlife escape. Guests can enjoy a full bar and late-night bites all while viewing our stunning 360 degree immersive attraction.

When you venture into After Dark, you’ll be able to:

  • Lounge
  • Listen to a live DJ
  • Grab a drink
  • Hang out with friends

Must be 18+ with valid government-issued photo ID.

For groups of 10+, contact for tickets.

Kitchen closes at 10 PM and the bar's final call is 30 minutes before closing. Hours are subject to change at management's discretion, including holidays and special events.

Beat the Heat with Our July Evening RETRO PASS!

Ocean World
Dino World
Future World


Engage with the show's interactive features, using Lidar sensors to track guests, allowing them to interact with floors and walls, creating unique magical moments throughout the experience.


  • Explore 3 cinematic worlds (60 minutes)
  • Engage in 12 playable games for competitive or solo exploration

Beat the Heat with Our July Evening RETRO PASS!

From July 11-14th, book an evening show of Lite-Brite: Worlds of Wonder at between 6PM to 7PM and get a bonus pass to one of our retro-themed events for the same night as your show ticket.


Choose a date between 6PM to 7PM showing of "Lite-Brite: Worlds of Wonder." Dive into a world of colorful lights, games, and art creation with interactive narratives, gaming stations, & friendly hosts!


Ocean World
Dino World
Future World


  • Explore 3 cinematic worlds in one space (60 mins)
  • Engage in 12 playable games for competitive or solo exploration
  • Create with classic and giant Lite-Brites
  • View local Lite-Brite art from Toronto artists in our imagination gallery
  • Buy a Lite-Brite photo souvenir to become art


With your ticket, you'll receive an additional pass to one of our exclusive retro events, free of charge, for the same night as your show ticket. 

*$10.00 cover charge without a show ticket.


Movie night

Starts at 8:00pm, included with a July 11th Lite-Brite ticket. Grab some popcorn, relax in comfy seats or bring your own blanket, and enjoy the classic movie Back to the Future. Seating is first come first serve.



Starts at 8:00pm, included with a July 12th Lite-Brite ticket. Sing along to retro hits by Bon Jovi, Guns & Roses, Journey, The Go Go’s, Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, Usher, Madonna, and more!


Dance Party

Starts at 8:00pm, included with a July 13th Lite-Brite ticket. Dance to your favourite 80’s and 90’s hits and enjoy themed retro drinks. Dress up in your best retro outfit for a chance to win prizes!



Starts at 8:00pm, included with a July 14th Lite-Brite ticket. Test your knowledge with pop-culture trivia from the 80’s and 90’s in our immersive atmosphere and enjoy playing your favourite board games from your childhood.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 800 546" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M703.822 102.143H635.69C626.487 102.143 619.023 94.6816 619.023 85.4766V17.32C619.023 8.11499 626.487 0.65332 635.69 0.65332H703.822C713.025 0.65332 720.488 8.11499 720.488 17.32V85.4766C720.488 94.6816 713.025 102.143 703.822 102.143ZM687.155 33.9867H652.357V68.81H687.155V33.9867ZM144.798 221.888C144.798 212.683 152.262 205.222 161.465 205.222H230V136.333H161.465C152.262 136.333 144.798 128.872 144.798 119.667C144.798 110.462 152.262 103 161.465 103H246.667C255.872 103 263.333 110.462 263.333 119.667V324.11C263.333 333.315 255.872 340.777 246.667 340.777H161.465C152.262 340.777 144.798 333.315 144.798 324.11C144.798 314.905 152.262 307.443 161.465 307.443H230V238.555H161.465C152.262 238.555 144.798 231.093 144.798 221.888ZM631.897 235.65C634.427 226.8 643.652 221.675 652.503 224.208C747.617 251.41 800 292.04 800 338.612C800 363.873 784.202 400.793 708.938 433.228C656.007 456.037 581.702 472.625 499.708 479.935C499.217 479.978 498.723 480 498.228 480C498.191 480 498.154 480 498.116 479.999C498.078 479.999 498.04 479.998 498.002 479.998L428.87 479.062C419.668 478.938 412.307 471.375 412.432 462.172C412.555 453.045 419.992 445.73 429.092 445.73L429.139 445.73L429.206 445.731C429.245 445.731 429.284 445.732 429.323 445.732L497.595 446.657C575.817 439.615 646.16 423.982 695.747 402.615C740.817 383.193 766.667 359.865 766.667 338.612C766.667 309.57 719.41 278.013 643.337 256.257C634.488 253.727 629.365 244.5 631.897 235.65ZM314.798 340.778H417.022C426.225 340.778 433.688 333.317 433.688 324.112V221.89C433.688 212.685 426.227 205.223 417.022 205.223H331.465V136.333H400C409.205 136.333 416.667 128.872 416.667 119.667C416.667 110.462 409.205 103 400 103H314.798C305.593 103 298.132 110.462 298.132 119.667V324.112C298.132 333.317 305.593 340.778 314.798 340.778ZM331.465 238.555H400.355V307.443H331.465V238.555ZM587.425 340.778H485.202C475.998 340.778 468.535 333.317 468.535 324.112V119.667C468.535 110.462 475.998 103 485.202 103H587.425C596.628 103 604.092 110.462 604.092 119.667V324.112C604.092 333.317 596.628 340.778 587.425 340.778ZM570.758 136.333H501.868V307.445H570.758V136.333ZM304.762 382.228C298.817 375.202 288.3 374.323 281.273 380.268C274.245 386.213 273.368 396.728 279.312 403.757L316.588 447.823C237.928 441.825 166.687 427.408 114.305 406.74C62.8467 386.433 33.3333 361.603 33.3333 338.612C33.3333 311.915 72.8933 283.145 139.155 261.652C147.912 258.812 152.707 249.412 149.867 240.655C147.028 231.9 137.625 227.105 128.872 229.943C90.3233 242.447 59.755 257.322 38.0133 274.153C12.79 293.687 0 315.372 0 338.612C0 377.118 35.2967 411.397 102.07 437.745C156.343 459.16 229.115 474.193 309.113 480.675L275.873 517.515C269.707 524.348 270.247 534.888 277.082 541.053C280.268 543.93 284.262 545.347 288.242 545.347C292.793 545.347 297.33 543.492 300.62 539.845L361.265 472.637C364.028 469.575 365.558 465.597 365.558 461.472V460.198C365.558 456.257 364.162 452.443 361.617 449.435L304.762 382.228Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>

360 Degree

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 640 512" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_17_4)"> <path d="M576 32H256C238.3 32 224 46.3 224 64V233.4L297.4 160C309.9 147.5 330.2 147.5 342.7 160L384 201.4L489.4 96C501.9 83.5 522.2 83.5 534.7 96L608 169.4V64C608 46.3 593.7 32 576 32ZM640 208C640 208 640 208 640 208.1V288.1C640 323.4 611.3 352.1 576 352.1H272H256C220.7 352.1 192 323.4 192 288.1V272V64C192 28.7 220.7 0 256 0H576C611.3 0 640 28.7 640 64V208ZM608 214.7L512 118.7L395.3 235.3L310.6 320H576C593.7 320 608 305.7 608 288V214.6V214.7ZM265.4 320L361.4 224L320 182.6L224 278.6V288C224 305.7 238.3 320 256 320H265.4ZM296 80C302.365 80 308.47 82.5286 312.971 87.0294C317.471 91.5303 320 97.6348 320 104C320 110.365 317.471 116.47 312.971 120.971C308.47 125.471 302.365 128 296 128C289.635 128 283.53 125.471 279.029 120.971C274.529 116.47 272 110.365 272 104C272 97.6348 274.529 91.5303 279.029 87.0294C283.53 82.5286 289.635 80 296 80ZM128 160H160V192H128V272V400V480H384V384H416V480H448C465.7 480 480 465.7 480 448V384H512V448C512 483.3 483.3 512 448 512H416H400H384H128H112H96H64C28.7 512 0 483.3 0 448V224C0 188.7 28.7 160 64 160H96H112H128ZM32 256H96V192H64C46.3 192 32 206.3 32 224V256ZM32 416V448C32 465.7 46.3 480 64 480H96V416H32ZM96 384V288H32V384H96Z" fill="currentColor"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_17_4"> <rect width="640" height="512" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

Photo Opportunities

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 512 512" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_161_2)"> <path d="M512 23C512 10.3 501.7 0 489 0C486.7 0 484.4 0.3 482.2 1L171.2 96.7C164.6 98.8 160 105 160 112V232V372.4C143 359.7 120.6 352 96 352C43 352 0 387.8 0 432C0 476.2 43 512 96 512C149 512 192 476.2 192 432V246.3L480 157.7V308.4C463 295.7 440.6 288 416 288C363 288 320 323.8 320 368C320 412.2 363 448 416 448C469 448 512 412.2 512 368V136.4C512 136.2 512 135.9 512 135.7V23ZM480 368C480 389.3 457.1 416 416 416C374.9 416 352 389.3 352 368C352 346.7 374.9 320 416 320C457.1 320 480 346.7 480 368ZM160 432C160 453.3 137.1 480 96 480C54.9 480 32 453.3 32 432C32 410.7 54.9 384 96 384C137.1 384 160 410.7 160 432ZM480 124.2L192 212.8V123.8L480 35.2V124.2Z" fill="currentColor"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_161_2"> <rect width="512" height="512" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

Live DJ

Looking for a Private party?

Contact us if you're interested in a full or partial buyout at Illuminarium Las Vegas.


Ticket packages

General Admission


Under The Radar


love on top
